Bingo Caller Application

    *Have you called Bingo before?

    *Are you at least 21 years old:

    Do you have a preferred pronoun? Please specify:

    *First Name:

    *Last Name:


    *Phone Number

    *Have you played Catgo at The Cafe Meow before?

    *Have you played Bingo before?

    *Are you available on Wednesdays evenings between 5:30pm - 7pm?

    *Do you have a reliable source of transportation?

    *Can you speak loud and clear over groups of chatter?

    *What drove your interest in applying for the position?

    *Why are you interested in working at The Cafe Meow?

    *What experience do you have in similar positions?

    *When can you start?

    Any other information you would like to share on why you would be good at this position?