Gender: Male
APPROX DOB: 8/24/2023
Length at Cafe: September 30, 2024 – Nov 24, 2024

ISO/ Not receiving visitors
Bono and his mother came to us from Animal Control. We have very little information on their history other than they were mother and son. We quickly learned that his mother wanted nothing more to do with this poor sweet boy.  

Bono is a shy boy but has so much love to give. With some patience, he will quickly melt into your arms and eat up all the attention he can get.  He is a little fearful of other cats due to his mother’s scorned, however, we feel that he will benefit from having another friendly feline around to romp and play. 

Due to his shyness, we feel that he will not do well in a home with young children. We are not certain how he would do with a dog. 

Originally From:

No Kitten Left Behind-MN is an all-volunteer, foster-based rescue.