Gender: Male
APPROX DOB: 5/24/2022
Length at Cafe: 11/27/2023 – 12/27/2023

Charlie Sheen is a rambunctious young cat with tons of love to give. He was born outside on the streets of Minneapolis where he was living until he was rescued by a kind neighbor. Charlie is energetic and playful, but is always ready to cuddle up and will give you little kisses when you put your face close to his. Like his brother Emilio, time playing on the cat tree takes up most of his day. He likes to watch the squirrels and birds outside the window and give little chirps hoping to intimidate them from inside. Charlie loves other cats and would be overjoyed to be adopted with his brother or into a home with any number of other friendly felines.

This kitten would do well with playmates and NEEDS to be adopted into a home with another young, playful kitty. Young kittens like Charlie do their best and are their happiest when they have another buddy to play with. If you don’t have another kitten at home, consider adopting two kittens.

This cat has been spayed/neutered, tested for FeLV/FIV (negative), up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped.

Originally From:

Twin Cities Pet Rescue has been helping animals since 2009. TCPR vision is a humane country in which animals are treated with compassion and respect. They have a large network of foster homes that help them save pets that mainly come from impound and shelters with high kill rates. Their teams and board are comprised of volunteers dedicating their free time, energy and compassion to these animals.