Gender: Female
APPROX DOB: 03/10/2022
Length at Cafe: July 8, 2024 – July 28, 2024

Chick Pea is a sweet girl. She came to foster with 3 babies in tow. She was fiercely protective of those babies and as they have aged, she has mellowed out. She is tolerating the resident cats but will still let them know she’s the boss.  She has been running from the dogs but gaining confidence.

She is friendly with all people but she is untested with little kids. She has never been aggressive towards people. She doesn’t like to be picked up and only wants to be held for a second. However, she will lie beside you and hang out. She also loves to have conversations with people and chat back.

Originally From:

Twin Cities Pet Rescue has been helping animals since 2009. TCPR vision is a humane country in which animals are treated with compassion and respect. They have a large network of foster homes that help them save pets that mainly come from impound and shelters with high kill rates. Their teams and board are comprised of volunteers dedicating their free time, energy and compassion to these animals.