Gender: Female
APPROX DOB: 04/30/2024
Length at Cafe: October 12, 2024 – 11/6/2024

Don’t let her sweet, gentle demeanor fool you, Chilonis (pronounced “ee-lon-nis”) is always up for playing! She loves tearing around the foster room after a laser, crinkle ball or a wand toy. Once she is played out she loves to be held or lie next to you and purrs loudly. She has the cutest little booted and socked feet, and her fur is silky soft. Good thing she loves to be pet because you will want to do just that! Chilonis is a peaceful cat and a quieter home with respectful and/or grown children would be best. Chilonis is one of six kittens that came into rescue coined “The Spartans.” This is a sweet, social, well-adjusted, active, and loving group of kittens. Kitty Revolution believes that our kittens should be adopted in pairs or go to a home where there is another young animal companion. Another kitten (or, kittens?!) from this crew would allow you to skip over the cat introduction process. For more information, contact our adoption specialists at

This cat has been spayed/neutered, tested for FeLV/FIV (negative), up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped.

Originally From:

Kitty Revolution is a no-kill, Kitty Revolution is a volunteer-based, no-kill cat rescue in the Twin Cities, MN metro area that seeks to save the unwanted, the misunderstood, the less-than-perfect, and to help change the way the world sees cats through community education and outreach.