Gender: Female
DOB: 12/14/2017
Arrived at Cafe: April 7 2019 – July 6, 2019

Hello there, I’m HolliTime but you can call me Holli! If you are looking for a new best friend, pick me! I am a really mellow girl and would love nothing more than to snuggle next to you on the sofa with some fluffy blankets and watch romantic comedies all night. When you are not home, I would love a nice cat tower in a sunny window so I can enjoy the beautiful view and pretend to hunt some birds or squirrels to keep myself entertained.

More about HolliTime
Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Apartment OK, Playful, Affectionate, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle

Originally From: Ruff Start Rescue website | email | 763.355.3981