Gender: Female
APPROX DOB: 6/20/2024
Length at Cafe: Dec 21, 2024 – Jan 15, 2025

Meet Jade Carey, a lively kitten with an infectious spirit. She’s the embodiment of joy and playfulness, always ready to chase a toy mouse or pounce on a feather. Her energy is boundless, keeping everyone on their toes. But she’s not just about fun and games. Jade Carey is also a gentle soul, always ready to curl up in a warm lap and purr her heart out. Her friendly nature is truly captivating, making her the perfect companion. Adopt Jade Carey today and experience the unconditional love and endless entertainment she brings. Jade would love a home with other feline friends.

Originally From:

This cat is from Kitty Revolution is a no-kill, Kitty Revolution is a volunteer-based, no-kill cat rescue in the Twin Cities, MN metro area that seeks to save the unwanted, the misunderstood, the less-than-perfect, and to help change the way the world sees cats through community education and outreach.