Gender: Male
DOB: 7/19/2016
Arrived at Cafe: July 5, 2019 – July 14, 2019

Hello friends, I’m Jake! I am a little on the shy side at first but just need some time to get to know you. Once I feel comfortable with new friends, I’m the sweetest boy you’ll ever find. I love to climb and find high spots to hang out and watch what’s going on down below! If you want to know a quick way to my heart, just crack open a can of wet food and I will come running! Once I get to know you better, I have a lot to say and will tell you some pretty crazy stories. I get along well with other cats but have not met a dog yet.

More about Jake Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Apartment OK, Affectionate, Intelligent

Originally From: Ruff Start Rescue website | email | 763.355.3981