Gender: Female
DOB: 1/11/2022
Length at Cafe: Sept 9, 2022 – Sept 16, 2022

Lieutenant Dan is a sweet amputee who was found hanging around outside of the St. Paul animal shelter. It was initially thought that Lt Dan had likely lost his front left foot in some type of accident, but after a medical exam and x-rays, we believe it’s more likely that Dan was born this way.  So, while Dan may be slightly mobile disabled, it doesn’t slow him down at all. Dan knows how cute he is, because he’ll wait for you to approach and then do a belly roll with legs in the air inviting you to come and rub his tummy; he can be quite the lovable little character and his slight deformity makes him that much more adorable. It’s hard not to fall in love with Lieutenant Dan. While he may not have a purple heart, he will certainly steal your heart.  

Originally From:

The Rescue Crew is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Minnesota-based animal rescue organization which strives to prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of companion animals by finding them loving forever homes. Those who are homeless; the abused or abandoned; the neglected and unloved, and to show them human compassion and kindness, ultimately helping them become valued family members in a loving home.