Gender: Female
APPROX DOB: 06.27.2024
Length at Cafe: Feb 1, 2025 – March 5, 2025
Mor is a cautiously curious cat! She is very interested in pets and play, but can get scared with loud noises and sudden movements. With time, she will adjust to her new home more and more, and her foster mom thinks she will gain confidence. She tolerates being picked up but only to move her quickly or set her in your lap. She doesn’t want to be picked up and held. Mor has very soft fur and beautiful coloring! She purrs quickly. Wand toys and soft mice toys seem to be her favorite. She enjoys looking out the window but also having a warm, closed in spot for napping. She would be a great addition to most homes and is a sweetheart. Since Mor is under one year old, it would be best if she was adopted with another young cat or into a home that already has a younger cat to be a playmate.
Originally From:
This cat is from Kitty Revolution is a no-kill, Kitty Revolution is a volunteer-based, no-kill cat rescue in the Twin Cities, MN metro area that seeks to save the unwanted, the misunderstood, the less-than-perfect, and to help change the way the world sees cats through community education and outreach. Please find the cat you would like to apply for on their website after meeting them in store. On their bio page you will see a “Apply for Adoption”. Fill the form out online!