Gender: Male
APPROX DOB: July 2018
Length at Cafe: 3 / 27 /2023 – 6/9/2023
Loud. Comical. Personality Plus. Sir Meows-A-Lot was given that name for a reason; you will know he’s around and he won’t let you forget it. If you’re looking for a quiet, demure kitty this rotund boy isn’t the cat for you. He’s the kind of cat that’s going to be your best friend. The cat that will come running to greet you at the door when you arrive home from a long day (while it may appear to you he’s welcoming you home, he’s actually complaining that his dinner is late). Aside from his unique personality, Sir Meows-A-Lot has another distinguishing feature in that he’s missing most of one of his ears. When he first came into rescue he had a deformed ear flap, which we later learned was the result of a hematoma that was never repaired. This deformity resulted in a lot of debris always accumulating and a nasty ear infection we helped get him over only to see him develop another ear hematoma (Often the result of some injury or trauma, a hematoma develops when damage occurs to the small blood vessels in the cat’s ear flap, they break and leak internally, creating a blood-filled swelling or pocket). Given how deformed his ear flap already was, it was necessary to basically amputate the ear flap and remove it altogether. He’s no worse for the wear and we think it makes him extra cute and unique, but his new family will need to regularly flush and clean his ear. He will be well worth the extra effort.
This cat has been spayed/neutered, tested for FeLV/FIV (negative), up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped.
UPDATE: Oreo and Sir Meows-a-lot have created a special bond. They absolutely love each other and romp around playing regularly. Since many cats are fearful of the ‘odd’ looking Sir Meows-a-lot it is a very special bond that the rescues and our team at the cafe do not have the heart to break. If you are interested in one of them, they are bonded and must go to a home as a pair. This does mean you will have to go through both rescues to apply for each cat, but look at the photo below and see for yourself at the cafe how sweet these two are to each other, and you too would have it no other way.

Originally From:
The Rescue Crew is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Minnesota-based animal rescue organization which strives to prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of companion animals by finding them loving forever homes. Those who are homeless; the abused or abandoned; the neglected and unloved, and to show them human compassion and kindness, ultimately helping them become valued family members in a loving home.
Please give Rescue Crew at least 72 hours to respond, before sending a follow up. This rescue is smaller and run by 1 person. The best way to have initial contact is to file the adoption application form for the cat you are interested in on Rescue Crews website (link above).