Gender: Female
DOB:  7/1/21
Length at Cafe: July 8, 2022 – August 16, 2022

I enjoy exploring and playing with my cat and dog friends, but make plenty of pit stops to check on my humans so I can climb on them and give hugs and kisses. I’ve been known to give my foster a chatter when I feel there is a need to speak up. My foster thinks it’s quite funny and has dubbed me sassy Sloane. I am very sweet and loving and would love to be your forever friend.

Originally From:

The Rescue Crew is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Minnesota-based animal rescue organization which strives to prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of companion animals by finding them loving forever homes. Those who are homeless; the abused or abandoned; the neglected and unloved, and to show them human compassion and kindness, ultimately helping them become valued family members in a loving home.