Gender: Male
APPROX DOB: 05/01/2024
Length at Cafe: Dec 15, 2024 – Feb 12, 2025

Hi! My name is Toes. I was named that because I am a polydactyl so I have extra toes. Inside, I am a shy gentle giant. Seek me out and give me chin scratches and I’ll return those with tons of affection. I love to be part of the action and will distract you from what you are doing to get your attention. I am super playful and especially love wrestling. I am going to need to go to a home with another young playmate, or consider adopting me with one of my siblings, Lyle or Jody. I’ll be a loving companion, but my shyness may take me a little longer to acclimate to new people and environments. A quieter, low-activity home would allow me the opportunity to get used to new things at my own pace. Please note, I’m not a fan of dogs or little kids. And I will never be an outdoor kitty. I’ll be happy with a sunny window and a buddy! Kitty Revolution believes that our kittens should be adopted in pairs or go to a home where there is another young animal companion.

Originally From: This cat is from Kitty Revolution is a no-kill, Kitty Revolution is a volunteer-based, no-kill cat rescue in the Twin Cities, MN metro area that seeks to save the unwanted, the misunderstood, the less-than-perfect, and to help change the way the world sees cats through community education and outreach.