Gender: Male and Female
APPROX DOB: 4/2019
Length at Cafe: July 11, 2022 – October 3 2022

HTTR had been conducting TNR at a small dairy farm in Glen Flora. The caregivers told us a neighboring farmer had passed away and had cats in a 10×10 shed. The family was going to open the doors and let the cats go, without being fixed, no longer being fed, and have never been free-roaming outdoors. When the doors opened to the shed, 24 sets of eyes were staring down at us! Lionel and Diana were two of those kitties living in 10×10 filth. Some of their family members were returned to their neighbor after being fixed, some found new outdoor homes, and some stayed back to be indoor companions. Lionel is super curious but very apprehensive to new situations. He enjoys back scratches and you will always find him lying on top of his sister! Diana is a tad more outgoing. She is curious and enjoys exploring. A scratch behind her head or back side will have her continuing to come back for more. Need to grab their attention? Open up some can food and they will vocialize just how excited they are! Both kitties are pretty shy and will need a calm home with a patient family. Get ready to have your heart melt with this brother/sister duo!

Originally From:
Here to The Rescue!

An Eartip is a Badge of Honor

If I am in an adoption program, it means someone took the time to work with me after trapping. They showed me love, taught me to trust, and gave me the confidence to love back so much that I would live my best life indoors with a family.

If you see me in an outdoor home sporting an eartip, it means someone cared enough about me to get me vetted, neutered, vaccinated and make sure I have the best life in my outdoor colony.


Tuesday - Thursday
11am - 7pm
Friday -Saturday
10am - 8pm
10am - 7pm

Follow Us

Follow us on social media to see who is new, who got adopted, new drink specials and cute cat videos! Check out the cats and treats of Roseville by following our Roseville specific social.

The Cafe Meow

1718A Lexington Ave N
Roseville MN 55113
Telephone: 612.212.8471

Minnesota Board of Animal Health License: MN608923

Follow Us

Follow us on social media to see who is new, who got adopted, new drink specials and cute cat videos! Our New Hope specific social media shows the cats and space of our New Hope location!

The Cafe Meow

3524 Winnetka Ave N
New Hope MN 55427
Telephone: 612.386.5941

Note: If you are coming from the WEST the 169 bridge at 36th Ave N will be down from May - October.

Minnesota Board of Animal Health License: MN677319

The Cafe Meow is a proud member of The North American Cat Cafe Embassy | The Cafe Meow, LLC | 2018